10:00 - 21:00 OPEN CLOSED
bul. "Slivnitsa" 185 SEE ON MAP

Sea salt room Varna

Welcome to our family place called Sea Salt room Varna!
It all started at the end of 2021, when our eldest son (11 months old at the time) visited a salt room for the first time. Coincidentally, he started nursery school when he turned one. All parents are afraid of this stage, as it is known for frequent illnesses. Looking for an alternative option as parents concerned about their child, we found a solution in visiting a salt room. We have been familiar with the healing properties of salt for years. We often gargle with salt, and we all heard from our grandmothers about salting babies.
This is how the idea was born to create a place in our beloved Varna, where children can have fun while parents are calm that they have taken measures to prevent their dearest creatures.
All in all, this let's call it a project was started with a lot of love and dedication. We are very happy when we share with our loved ones and they see the results on themselves and the little ones around them. So while we were talking and playing at home with the children, we talked about how nice it would be to have a place where you can escape from the stressful everyday life and spend quality 20-40 minutes with the people close to you. To close yourself is a room away from everyone and everything, to transport yourself and build a magical salt world, to seal those unforgettable moments filled with happiness and genuine smiles in your consciousness. Knowing that when the work day is over, you can take a short escape, turn off the phone for a while and relax. As people who have a rather hectic and dynamic daily life, we fully understand the need to be able to be alone with yourself for a while, to collect one's thoughts and to recharge for the next challenges. And at the same time - let's protect ourselves and stay healthy!
Every bit of our hearts went into creating this place! For us, Sea Salt room Varna became a venture where we were able to combine our ideas and show our children what teamwork and dedication is all about!
We hope you will be able to feel even a fraction of the effort and emotion with which everything in Sea salt room Varna is built and arranged! To be able to relax while the salt works its magic on you and shows you its healing effect!
We will be happy to be part of your daily life and contribute to the smiles on your faces! Come to us and we will try to answer all your questions and suggestions!



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10:00 - 21:00 OPEN CLOSED
bul. "Slivnitsa" 185 SEE ON MAP

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