The story of “Nedelya” began on 1 April 1993, when Radoslava and Georgi Minchevi opened a small confectionary at Baba Nedelya square in Sofia. It was employing 3 people, Minchevi family were producing their own cakes and met their first customers.
Even today, the Minchevi family believes that handmade high quality products and fresh cakes are the reasons why “Nedelya” is a favorite of the whole Bulgaria.
The chain sweetshops in Bulgaria are 36 and in Bucharest - 10. Each “Nedelya” sweetshop gives its admirers coziness, comfort and the opportunity to celebrate their little moments every day. The customers know that “Nedelya” is a symbol of high standards of quality and reliability. Therefore, they trust us for their most important personal and professional occasions.